mcjUnparent - Unparent in place and un-keyframe

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
edited August 2016 in Freebies

When i work with mcjAutoLimb2015 i often need to unparent the "pole vectors" from the thighs or the collarbones

i want them to stay exactly where they are before the unparenting

Daz Studio does have "parent in place" options you can turn on/off but i somehow often can't get it to work quickly


this script notes the position and orientation of the selected node ( World-space )

it unparents the node

it deletes all the position and rotation  keyframes

it keyframes the saved position/orientation  at frame 0 for the now-unparented node


667 x 1080 - 119K
Post edited by mCasual on


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,834

    Hi thank you for this and ALL of your scrpits 
    that I consider vital to my animation work both personal and commercial

    you are truly a genius!!!smileyyes

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    i would not try to animate at all without his scripts

    thanks again jaques

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    So thoughtful of you Jacques, again! So thanks again!

    (and why do you have to make such fun cute exciting pictures to go with your goodies too?! Why why why?) laugh

  • Thank you for all the great work you do Jacques! I really do appreciate it and it has made things so much easier for me:)

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