Trying to shorten & lay G2F Overalls on shoulders

OK, so I have the G2F overalls:

and with FBM to 100% they work fine on G3 models except I need to shorten the straps and lay them on the shoulders as you'd expect them to lay.

I did have the Geometry Editor and had selected all the polys for the straps but I couldn't find an obvious way to say just shorten them along they're length so I'll try that later if I need to.

So then I I select the overalls & then the Parameters tabs and then 'Show Hidden Properies'  and that brings up a long list of Hidden Correctives for the figure but they are written in dark grey on darker gray and very long names too so not legible.

How to check the UI so that the Corrective names font is say light blue or some other contrasting color so I can read these correctives and no have to spend an hour or so hovering and re-hovering on the Corrective name trying to get the font to turn orange?



  • The best way would probably be a DForm, then set it to use weight mapping (Tool Settings pane with the Node Weight Paint tool active and apply the only available map with part of the DForm selected) and use the geometry selection to target the effect.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    The best way would probably be a DForm, then set it to use weight mapping (Tool Settings pane with the Node Weight Paint tool active and apply the only available map with part of the DForm selected) and use the geometry selection to target the effect.

    OK, that's what I was trying at 1st but then I accidently unselected all my selected polygons and undo did not re-select my selected polygons so I decided to try step 2. Back to step 1 then. 

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