How to help Freak 4 get his Freak 4 back on

I had loaded Freak4 in DAZ Studio4.5,
When I Zeroed out the character, Freak went back to the Default M4 base.
How do I turn him back into Freak 4 without simply reloading from scratch?
I've scanned through a bunch of the parameters but can't seem to find the right one.
There should be morphs to set the shape to Freak 4 - in the Parameters pane, not the Shaping pane. Morphs|Shapes>The Freak 4
Under Parameters, there's a tab for Freak 4, and inside of that the top few are Freak Scale On, then Heroic Body, Legendary Body -
don['t see anything just labeled freak body - is Heroic the Default?
With head selected, Parameters gives option for classic freak head.
Thanks for the help.
If Restore Figure doesn't work. (same place as Zero Figure)
Then the head parametrs are:
Chiseled 75%
Classic Freak 50%
Goliath 25%
Freak Scale on 1.00
Monstrous Body 0.70