where the shadow comes from

(4.9 and Iray)

Hi there,

if I adjust all object in the scene to "cast shadow off " , and the lights to "shadow none" , ... there are one.

Where do these shadows come from and can they be eleminated ? ( render setting scene only )


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Maybe the 'Auto Head Lamp' in the Render tab? I'm not sure though.

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    my first thought too

    Does it work with you ?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Iray is physically based rendering (PBR). You can't turn shadows off. There is no setting for shadows with Iray lights. There is no "cast shadow off" setting that I can find for figures, objects, props. If you don't want shadows, you either need to use studio photography style lighting or use 3DL.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    If you are using Iray in its Interactive mode, then it supports shadow controls. But I suspect what's happening is that you're using it in the default Photoreal mode, where shadow control is ignored. You've turned on the Hidden parameters in the panels for the lights, etc. They were hidden for a reason. Re-hide them, because setting them won't do you any good.

    If instead you are indeed talking about Iray in Interactive mode, it would be helpful to post a screen shot of your settings, plus a sample render. You solution may come from using ambient flat lighting from a 20% (or so) gray environment map HDRi. You don't use ANY scenes lights for this technique, and you must remember to turn off the Headlamp (which turns off anyway if you have at least one scene light, which you apparently do if you've set it to Scene Only.).

    That said, why don't you want shadows? Vermeer and Caravaggio are rolling in their graves. smiley


  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Maybe the 'Auto Head Lamp' in the Render tab? I'm not sure though.

    As a note, if he's rendering with Scene Only, that implies at least one scene light, in which the headlamp is turned off automatically (unless it's manually turned on in the Camera panel, something a person has to go out of his/her way to do.)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Thanks, Tobor

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    *lol*  it would  have been too easy  ...  

    Thanks allot for your support and your helpfull responds. Well, I have allot to learn.

    You can imagine, that I watch tutorials allot.  ... Setup Iray to Photoreal, it is mandatory, ... choose if object should cast shadow, ... every light just make shadow if you choose one, otherwise set on none

    According to your answers, it seams as if I had mixed some information to the wrong expectation. Btw. , its not that I dont like shadow. I asked this question to find out what to do to achive the adjustment results I expectetd ... from technical perspective

    So now I`m a bit confused about Photoreal and Interactive. Thought I would never use Interactive mode, as I render in Iray.


  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Iray has two modes, Photoreal and Interactive. You can select which. Shadow control is only possible in Interactive, but Interactive lacks other features. You need to determine if the tradeoffs are worth it.

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    Thank you !!

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Don't forget, as well as the default Headlight attached to each camera, there's also a default Environment light. This can be turned off or changed in the Render Settings>Environment tab.

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