Keyframes issue

Hi everyone,

Im having a problem with the animation of multiple subjects.

I created and animated my model, and then duplicated him. The model is duplicated and I can see the keyframes but he doesnt move.

I also tried to save the keyframes as a "poser preset" but when I add the animation to the model, I can see the keyframes but it stll doesnt work...

Any suggestions?




  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    Hi everyone,

    Im having a problem with the animation of multiple subjects.

    I created and animated my model, and then duplicated him. The model is duplicated and I can see the keyframes but he doesnt move.

    I also tried to save the keyframes as a "poser preset" but when I add the animation to the model, I can see the keyframes but it stll doesnt work...

    Any suggestions?



    Hi ,
    I tried your scenario and experienced the same problemsad
    The only solution for me was to save the original figures animation as an animate2 "aniblock" and paste it into the track of the second figure and that got the duplicate moving.
    This of course assumes on has the Full ,unlocked ,paid version of aniMate2 and would still be a bit cumbersome if one is trying to create an entire squadron of marching soldiers or similar.....sounds like a reportable bug to me.surprise

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    Confirmed. Duplicated actor freezes in whatever pose it was in when it is duplicated. So far tested for G1 G2. This is true with keyed poses, loaded pose presets, graphmate, on dialed morphs too.

    It does respond to morphing posing dialing. But when hit play it doesn't animate, just stay frozen in most recent pose.

    Donatello, if your goal is to animate multiple (same looking) actors in synchornized (the same) movement, use Create Node Instances instead. That one works. 

    Ok I report the bug...





  • I tried with the "node" and seems working... now I try to render to be sure!


    Thank yuo guys!!

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited August 2016

    The duplicate bug officially confirmed.

    Add Instance Nodes is always the preferred way for making marching army or synchronized swimmers. Much much much cheaper preview/final render cost! 

    Change the original "master" animation/ materials, all the "slaves" also change. Real cloning... You can scale/ rotate any one of your army members, or move them around in space, but can't morph/ re-pose/ recolor anyone of them as far as I know.

    Nodes are like minions...follow the master!  "Duplicants" have more soul lol

    Duplicating is just copying an existing item with a bunch of settings so you don't have to load another one from the library and dial everything all over again. Changing the master/ original won't impact on the Duplicant: "I declared my total independence the moment I was born!".

    I haven't use them much, but I think when the Duplicant works, the pose/animation do get copied over. But you're allowed to alter/ repose Duplicants like a new separate entity. Not suitable for mass production of dancing clones.

    Meanwhile, duplicated character = freeze mannequins. So back to loading presets from library...


    Post edited by Mythmaker on
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