G3F to G3M texture conversion

Hi! Is there a tool to achieve this? It would be damn handy...

Post edited by Second Technician Rimmer on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    There's this for textures using the base UVs: http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-3-uv-swap-male-and-female-base

  • This tool "cheats" by changing the UV's used on the figure. What I meant really was a way to literally convert

    the textures, like the old UTC could do it for the gen4 textures back then.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    This tool "cheats" by changing the UV's used on the figure. What I meant really was a way to literally convert

    the textures, like the old UTC could do it for the gen4 textures back then.

    Ah ok. Well this tool can still be useful, as once you have both UVs on the same figure you can use the "Map transfer" function included in DS to convert the maps from one UV to the other.

  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557

    I believe you can do it in Blender (I use Softimage Ultimapper, but that's the expensive way). There's a texture conversion morph set for G3M on sharecg, IIRC, which does things like take the eyeballs out of the head, etc, so that the baking isn't interfered with by overlapping/close polygons.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    The Sloshwerks product will do everything you seem to want. You end up having a G3M texture on G3F and vice versa. What else do you think needs to be done?

    This tool "cheats" by changing the UV's used on the figure. What I meant really was a way to literally convert

    the textures, like the old UTC could do it for the gen4 textures back then.



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2016
    fastbike1 said:

    The Sloshwerks product will do everything you seem to want. You end up having a G3M texture on G3F and vice versa. What else do you think needs to be done?

    This tool "cheats" by changing the UV's used on the figure. What I meant really was a way to literally convert

    the textures, like the old UTC could do it for the gen4 textures back then.



    If you want to make any edits or tweaks to the texture, you need it to be rewritten to the other UV set.

    Rimmer, using the method described by Leana has worked for me. I've transferred a couple of merchant resources and a texture set that way. I do wind up using fibermesh beards on them (because the facial skin is much too smooth) and you may need to increase overall bump/normal map settings. (If the set has normal maps.)

    You may also wind up needing to decrease topcoat and glossy strength on the lip, if the texture has permanent lip gloss even on its no-makeup texture.

    Oh, and you would probably want to get OhMyBrows from Renderosity, because the female texture will probably have Extremely Groomed brows, and they will look very wrong.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Well, I am trying to modify a g3m genitalia texture to fit it on a G3F character. I'm doing a rewrite of the Knight of Eon story... yep, as off as this seems, it's true history. France's most famous spy, whose gender was and remains up to debate to thios day...

    The male bits are not matching with the skin on the lady. While geografting the "joy department" on G3f was easy using a product from 'rotica called "Gendermix", I am having trouble working out a workflow and work my way through the Map Transfer function. If anybody can walk me through that, combined with the use of the "swap" product Leana initiall y suggested (wavie, wavie) I'd be a really happy camper.  

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    OK, I'm somewhat confused. Which direction are you trying to go for the main texture? G3F to G3M remap or G3M to G3F remap?

    Also, map transfer doesn't work on the genital the way you seem to want, because the G3F genital UV isn't available on the G3M genital. The Genesis 3 UV Swap product doesn't cover that.

  • I am trying to make it so I can properly fuse the skin between the G3f body (textured with a g3f skin) and a g3f genital (with g3m texture).


  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    I am trying to make it so I can properly fuse the skin between the G3f body (textured with a g3f skin) and a g3f genital (with g3m texture).


    And that will not work, because the G3F genital does not have the G3M genital UV available to it. Map Transfer will not work in that case, because the genital UVs are different, and the UV Swap product does not affect the genitals.

    Your best bet is to use the M4 genitalia/Ulfgens/Hirogens props, one of Jepe's texture sets (available at poseraddicts.com, I think -- the Ulfgens and Hirogens props should be there as well as maybe at Renderotica) and some sort of hair prop to hide/blur the parenting line.

    Gender Mix product info in that store also says that it comes with a texture for the genital designed to match the default G3F Jeane texture. You'd need to check the product to see where it is; I don't have that, so don't know.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited August 2016

    I am trying this as an exercise and DAZ Studio is crashing with out of memory I think. Even though the total amount of memory DAZ Studio uses eventually decreases the total percentage of memory in use by the OS increases untill it hit the high enough percentage that DAZ Studio crashes.

    I only have 2 Genesis Males in the scene. Source & Target and I do the Transfer after I load the Slosh UV Swap to the Source and apply the Genesis 3 Female texture set I want transferred to the Target, the Genesis 3 Male texture set. I select Surfaces which is by default unselected and unselect Morphs which by default is selected. I have tried selecting by 'none' and 'Full-Body' as the projection set template.

    Is this 'Transfer Utility' one of those utilities that need more than 16GB RAM? What is not correct?

    All I want to really do is transfer a G3F texture set on a G3M (UV Swap to use the G3F UV Set) Source to a G3M (Base UV Set) so that I can set as a G3M Material Preset and skip the UV Swap step.


    2016-50-06 21:50:45.154 Performing figure transfer:2016-51-06 21:51:03.290 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=02016-53-06 21:53:07.113 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): recv failed errno=100542016-55-06 21:55:38.761 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=02016-58-06 21:58:25.135 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=02016-01-06 22:01:33.819 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=0


    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2016
    Is this 'Transfer Utility' one of those utilities that need more than 16GB RAM? What is not correct?

    All I want to really do is transfer a G3F texture set on a G3M (UV Swap to use the G3F UV Set) Source to a G3M (Base UV Set) so that I can set as a G3M Material Preset and skip the UV Swap step.

    OK, two things:

    First, if you save your character in a scene or scene subset or as a character/actor preset with the UV Swap change from G3F to G3M, it will retain that information. Then all you need to do is to merge them or put them into the scene with your scene set preset or character preset. You shouldn't need to use UV Swap every time.

    Second: not Transfer Utility, Map Transfer. Transfer Utility won't work at all for this.

    If you really need to do this -- and if you're not making changes to the base texture, you really don't -- you want to load your G3F (NOT G3M  - he's nowhere near things right now), with her texture as it is. You then want to go to the Surfaces tab, to the little flyout triangle/hamburger thing up in the corner, and click that. You'll then see the Map Transfer option, as in the included image.

    map transfer utility location

    At this point, I would really very strongly suggest that you look for a tutorial on this, because things get very complicated very fast from here, and I think you need more expertise than I can provide. I think, though I will not swear to it, that Daz has a map transfer tutorial on Youtube, but I'm not certain about it.

    EDIT: Daz does have a silent Map Transfer tutorial on youtube. It is ... antique, to put it politely, but the basics regarding how things work are more or less the same.)

    Kaos3D has a minitutorial with helpful hints at his deviantArt journal (DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT TEMP FOLDER!).

    But, again, if you're not editing the base texture, you don't need map transfer at all. You just need to save the changed character as a character preset, and all the UV Swap information should be remembered and work the next time you load the character.


    877 x 755 - 79K
    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    @vwrangler - thanks very much!

  • @Rimmer

    Okay, Arnold, so if I follow correctly, you have a G3F Model with a male genitalia created from Renderotica's product GenderMix (which creates a G3M Genitalia-like GeoMorph useable on G3F).  Now you want to apply a G3F material onto the G3F Model and have the Genitalia match.

    I have a workflow solution for you, though it is a bit labor intensive. This will also work if you're starting from a G3M texture.

    I've posted it on my Deviant Art site.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.  I'll try to update it in a week or so with screen captures.


  • Thanks a lot Windamyre and I apologize for not noticing before; I didn't get a notifcation of your reply on this topic. I will try this asap and tell you how it goes!

    I am really sorry about this, especially with you putting such efforts into it. 

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