massive Light problem

meanwhile I think my DS does not work.

Althought I delete all light possible (even delete camera(s) the scene stays bright lighted. And this light is that dominant that I cannot adjust any other shadow then this light forces me to. Ctrl-L does not change anything.

Second thing is , ... I dont need a plane for shadow catching. My render shows that forced shadow --- and only this, no matter if there is something on the floor or not .Althoght this is not fully correct. It happens, that when I make the plane invisible I get a shadow from an other light source in the proudest black ever. Whereas the one I´m taking about is nice and soft btw.

Well, ... any ideas



  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,694

    First, which Daz Studio version are you using?  Are you using Iray or 3DL?  Can you show a screen cap of what you're doing where we can also see your open Scene tab?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    edited August 2016
    In Daz Studio 4.9, which I believe you are using, the Render Settings for Iray default to including an environment light from an HDRI. To turn that off, choose Scene Only as you were instructed in the other forum thread.
    Post edited by barbult on
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    Ok, first of all, thanks for you responds ( yes I use DS4.9 and render in Iray )

    I made a complete documentation ( 21 images ) to make my problem clearly visible and hope I can add this here

    To barbult ... thanks to remind me to take the support provided to me. Believe me, I am more than happy to get response so fast here in DS Forum. So in the current issue the result to render in Scene only is ...  All in pure black

    -Scene only- Spot render prev light Off.png
    1366 x 768 - 177K
    -Scene only- Spot render prev light On.png
    1366 x 768 - 196K
    -Scene only- Render - prev light Off.jpg
    700 x 910 - 33K
    -Scene only- Render - prev light On.jpg
    700 x 910 - 33K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    edited August 2016
    Where is the spotlight pointing? The easy way to see where it is pointing is to temporarily change the camera selection in the upper right corner of the viewport to the spotlight. Then you can look through the spotlight to see where it is pointing. Can you see the plane and sphere when you do that? If not, adjust the spotlight so it is pointing at the front of your objects. Change the camera selection back to your real camera before rendering. Also select the spotlight in the Parameters pane and make sure Photometric is ON and increase the lumens if necessary.
    Post edited by barbult on
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    then please let me start the documentation.

    First step , ... to show the effect of Ctrl-L ,  which I was told to do, to eleminate the envirement light.

    Remember, my problem is that forreign light, which makes me unable to generate my own shadow setting.

    Ok it does just upload the final render, what a pitty ... So I have to explane

    The first 2 render are showing the result when eleminate ( Ctrl-L) the prevew light ... no differences to see

    In the scene tab is nothing then the object itself. No camera no plane, nothing

    The second 2 render are showing the objekt on a plane and the shadow generated by the preview light.  It is clearly visible and in the spot render of the images without the plane exactly at the same place. You see that I switched that light one time on and the other off ... no differences to see

    In the scene tab ist only the object and the plane. Nothing else

    (1) No plane, Render - prev light off.jpg
    700 x 910 - 82K
    (2) No plane, Render - prev light on.jpg
    700 x 910 - 82K
    (3) Plane, Render - prev light off.jpg
    700 x 910 - 95K
    (4) Plane, Render - prev light On.jpg
    700 x 910 - 95K
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    Next step ...

    I added a Spotlight. It is placed almost in the opposit to the forreign light source and shines 45° from the upper to the object.

    The scene tab includes just the object, the plane and the Spotlight

    No shadow from the spotlight is visible. Switch on and off the preview light changes nothing. Even you cannot see any ilumination inside the ball. Which was clearly visible in working window. The spot render does not transport this effect anymore, so the final render are similar, including the shadow I am forced to take

    Well, if that´s the way my DS is working , .... it cant be correct. Am I am wrong ?

    Thanks again for all your suggestions and support

    (5) Spotlight Render - prev light Off.jpg
    700 x 910 - 108K
    (5)Spotlight Render - prev light On.jpg
    700 x 910 - 107K
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    thanks barbult, I did as you told

    I`m so happy that upload worked now. So I can show you what

    I added now 3 spotlight. Please take a look on the position. All spotlight are selected and just in case it is too bright I set the Lumen to 800 each

    That kind of black is just to much to me *lol*

    (5) Spotlight Render - pref light Off.jpg
    700 x 910 - 67K
    Screenshot (19).png
    1366 x 768 - 180K
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    ... to avoid misunderstandings. I rendered from the perspekt view, Which is almost frontal, a bit elevated

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    800 lumens is not very much in the absence of all other light and in an environment with Tone Mapping set for a bright outdoor environment. Iray is a new more accurate physically based rendering system. It takes some time to adjust your thinking.

    If you are a photographer, think about how you would set up a photo shoot in a completely dark room with blackout curtains at midnight. You would use bright lights and/or adjust your camera settings to use a large ISO, a slow shutter speed, and or a wide open F/Stop like f 1.8. In your render settings, you will see that tone mapping is set for ISO 100, F/Stop 8, and Shutter Speed 128. On camera settings like that, lights must be bright like the sun at noon to fully light your subject. You have only have a few fairly dim spotlights. So, if your lights are truly aimed at your subject, try increasing the lumens A LOT (orders of magnitude) and/or change the Tone Mapping settings.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    Oh, and you should Create>New Camera and render through that camera rather than the Perspective View. Perspective View is mainly for looking around your scene and adjusting the position of things. It does not have all the control of a created camera. When you save your scene, a created camera's position will be saved, but the Perspective View position will not be saved.

  • Preview Lights is for previewing, it has no effect on renders. If I take your Spotlight render and push the black slider was to the white end in levels there is a very weak shadow. You still have the HDRI on and that is swamping the spotlight.

    Weak shadow.JPG
    657 x 622 - 37K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    Richard, his screen shot shows that he is in Scene Only mode now. The HDRI is not being used. Or are you replying the an earlier post at the beginning of this thread?
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    It Works !!    ...    what can I say ... thanks allot

    I gave the spotlight 250k Lumen and they are happy like me cheeky

    But does this mean, that I can dominate "foreign" light when I render in Dome and Scene / Sun Sky mode, if I increase Lumen significantly ?

    dedicated barbult.jpg
    700 x 910 - 321K
  • barbult said:
    Richard, his screen shot shows that he is in Scene Only mode now. The HDRI is not being used. Or are you replying the an earlier post at the beginning of this thread?

    The previous renders though do show the effect of the default environment map, I'm pretty sure.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    harrykim said:

    It Works !!    ...    what can I say ... thanks allot

    I gave the spotlight 250k Lumen and they are happy like me cheeky

    But does this mean, that I can dominate "foreign" light when I render in Dome and Scene / Sun Sky mode, if I increase Lumen significantly ?

    Hurray! You got it now. Yes, you can increase the photometric lights to overpower environment lights (sun/sky or HDRI.) Think of a fill flash to reduce shadows on a sunny day. You can also adjust the environment lights in Render Settings to make them dimmer. Just remember that Daz Studio Iray is trying simulate real world lighting. If you try to completely overpower the sun with a single spotlight, that may not be realistic in the real world. But you can use unrealistic settings to achieve any look you are trying to achieve. You are the artist,so adjust them to suit yourself.
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    my major problem is solved, ... until today I felt forced .Take that shadow, you will not get better.

    I agree with you, good idea to provide atmosphere light setups. I just wanted to be sure that I have an instrument , to keep the scene in my hand not in foreign light. You know I have a problem with authorities wink


    Take care and happy render

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