How do you light your scene if it's already Lighten even without lights?

nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

I'm noticing IN Daz 4.9 as opposedt to daz 3  whatever. sure when there's no lights it's the same, you can see the character. but in DAZ 3 as soon as you added spots lights or whatever and they weren't pointing at the characters, it was all dark and you couldn't see your character till you lit them.

But now even if you add lights and they're not pointing at the character, you can still see the character. This makes it hard to know what you are lighting and what parts of the character you are lighting.


Is there anyway to get back the darkness in your scene?


First picture no light whasoever in scene. I can see the character.

SEcond picture spotlight behind character. I can still see the character looks the same.

So how do you light? If there is no darkness in the scene?

Images removed

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    A spotlight works like those LED flashlights and focus light in the direction they are pointed with comparitively little light outside the aim of the beam of the light focus so since your sportlight is pointing away from the man model it is not lighting that model. You want to move your spot light to aim at him or use a point light instead, which works more light a flame, candle, or lightbulb and shine light in a sphere that surrounds them.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Ctl-L to turn on and off preview lights


  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Ctl-L to turn on and off preview lights


    Worked! It worked perfectly .Now i added a spotlight and boom, the character was black. and now i could move my light and light him. Thanks alot

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    By the way thanks for Richard to removing my images. I didn't know we couldn't post those. Cause those models don't even contain genitals. But now i know. so thanks. i'll not post anymore nudes like that

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    ... should this Ctrl L switch the szene into complete darkness ?  I´ve tried it ... no effect at all . The scene stays lighted, although there is no light. The camara light I switched off manually

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Do you have selected Scene Only? You'll still be able to see the models in the viewport but you can tell there is no light, just a dim diffuse light everywhere last time I remember my DS being set up like that.

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    I am sorry, where do I select Scene only ?

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    but to be a bit more precisely , ... this shortcut makes to my scene , plane off plane on , ... is this weird ?

    Thans for your reply smiley

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Render Settings> Environment > Environment Mode > Scene Only. See attached 

    harrykim said:

    I am sorry, where do I select Scene only ?


    508 x 622 - 56K
  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225

    Ah ok, we are talking about render settings, thank you. 

    Unfortunately my question was about to eleminate "forreign" light from the scene, because Ctrl-L does not work.

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    In iRay, render setting: Dome & Scene (and also Sun Sky) will automatically give you "foreign" light.

    To get rid of the automatic light from the Dome or the Sun Sky, you have to manually choose Scene Only. It should give you total darkness.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    You may also have the camera's headlight turned on.

  • harrykimharrykim Posts: 225
    edited August 2016

    thank you so much for your feedback. I have tried it and did expect the total darkness. It was that !

    So I`ve added  3 spotlight  to iluminate the scene and it looked fine.  Unfortunately I got just black in the render. Scene only seams to not the only thing I have to do frown

    Update : I opend a new thread for this topic and got the way to solve !


    Post edited by harrykim on
  • Are you sure the lights weren't blocked by items in the scene? The preview doesn't give shadows so it's easy to miss that. Also, if you lights were not point-sources (if you'd given them a shape in the Parameters) then the back of a light can block the camera unless you turn render Emitter off.

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