Another HDR question. sorry ...:)

Thanks for coming in, and Welcome to my problen :)


Ok so I bought HDR ProSets Yosemite Pack One and HDR ProSets Yosemite Pack Two

 I can't get them.. ok I don't know how.. to get them to work as I "think" they should <-- probably problem #1 ( the "think" part )

So when using the products Its TOTALLY dark in there when using the HDR prosets but we have Distant lights in the product AND we also have DT-DoubleDome that blocks all of the distand light... so what da heck and why are they in there.?


We have the Enviroment tab in Render settings, use it there ?

We can import the product(s) into the scene but that way to dark,  ..User Notes: Turn the DT-GroundPlane invisible on the Scene Tab  done ..still 100% dark :(

and we have the main Enviroment Pane for background images. does some of it go here ?


we have the DUF file or we have




--does the HDR file go into envroment tab in render settings or should it be the ENV file ?

--if HDR where does Env

--does the jpg file go into the Enviroment Pane as the background image. ?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    These are sets for the 3Delight render engine. Are you trying to use them with Iray? If so, then yes, those domes will block all light.

    The HDRI in those products were designed to be used with a distant light to provide the bright illumination of the sun. That is not the kind of HDRI that is normally used in Iray. I believe with some tweaking, you could get the Yosemite HDRIs to be passable by loading them in the Environment in the Render Settings, but you would be better off purchasing a set of HDRIs designed for Iray, if you want to render in Iray.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    You didn't say whether you wer rendering with 3DL or Iray. Based on your issues and discussion, I'd guess Iray since these packs pre-date Iray and should work fine in 3DL. For Iray, load the HDR file as the Environment map in the Render Settings> Environment tab. Don't use any of the other files. If you want the background, make sure you select Render Settings > Environment> Draw Dome > On. The included lights are for 3DL. Either use only the HDR for lighting or add Iray lights (presets or from the Create menu).

  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
    edited July 2016

    LOL I didn't try it in 3Delight, thought about it but forgot to.


    Post edited by jcbunn on
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