character transparency
ok heres how it goes..
i put together a character (using genesis) and added the clothing. (did a render)everything looked good
added lighting and did another render (still ok)
the clothing had visible handles so i reduced the opacity of the handles and did another render well what i ended up with was my model became partially transparent.
removed the clothing rendered and all was well. tried another outfit that i new had visible handles when it loads and rendered. lowered handle opacity and got the same problem. anyone now what i can do or what im doing wrong.
Are you making sure you have the handles selected when you reduce the Opacity, and not the actual clothing item
In the Parameters, the Handles should have an entry "Visible in Render"...just set that to "Off" and not worry about setting Opacity. You'll still be able to see them in the viewport but they won't show up in the render.
Also, lots of clothing with handles has, either a pose or material setting to turn the handles on/off.
Do handles still lose their surface property when clothes for V4 are autofitted to Genesis?
the outfit i was using was Dreamweaver Dress. It doesn't have handle controls in the parameters. I got it to work though.. but still trying to figure out how it happened and how to fix it the next time. ill let you know if it happens again.
I thought the latest update fixed that...but earlier versions did have that problem, too.