preferred way to let a PA know of a problem ?

jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271

I expect all PA's want to know of a problem with there products, but none want it posted out in the open ( or at least I would not )

I mean if its something with a quick fix that the product user can do themselvs. by moving the item from x location to y location.

Is submitting a ticket when set to general feedback a bit overboard or useless ? 

would a PM be a better choice. or just correct it and say nothing at all.

Post edited by jcbunn on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869
    edited July 2016

    If you find anything wrong with a product, submit a help request set to Technical Support. Customer Service will first try to reproduce the problem, I believe. If it is a PA product, I think they notify the PA after verifying the problem. Submitting a help request doesn't guarantee that a buggy product will be fixed, but it is your best bet, I think. Even if you figure out how to fix it yourself, someone else might not figure it out. Your report could get the product updated for everyone, so please report it.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with posting your fix in the forum, either. You might help someone else avoid frustration.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271

    ok thank you barbult

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Part of the agreement between Daz and the PA's is that Daz handles customer support. Submitting a ticket is the only way. 

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