Pixel problem in render

Having an issue with pixel noise in rendering, some of the image turns out fine and other areas produce this pixelated effect. Using daz 3d with iray 3point light with environment. The final image is 5k. At first I thought it was a texture issue, meaning a smaller file size, but it only occures on the foreground part of the image. Is there a render setting I am missing? I have noise filter on. Any help is much appreciated.

7-16-2016 6-32-39 PM.jpg
1186 x 886 - 131K


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869

    Have you examined the texture file in an application like Photoshop, to see if the problem is in the texture itself? Maybe you only see it in the foreground, because you are much closer to it there. The back leg is further away and so a low res texture would not be as visible.

    It could possibly be a texture compression issue. In your Render Settings>Advanced tab, double the values for medium and high compression, and see if anything changes.

    What item/texture is this? If I have it, I'll take a look, too.

  • Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I doubled it like you said and it did help, I even tested a triple, but I can still see the issue, but not as bad. The texture is off of the Galapagos tortoise and it is a 2k map. Thank you again for your comments



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869
    edited July 2016

    I have that tortoise. It is a really old Poser model. The texture seems to perform very poorly with texture compression, when you try to render it with that close view. The poser material settings do not work well in Iray, either; it has a pinkish specular color and uses displacement maps and settings that are not appropriate for Iray.

    I improved the appearance by doing all these things. Each one contributed a little bit to the fix:

    1. Resized the texture maps in Photoshop to 4096 by 4096.
    2. Changed Medium and High Compression to 4100 to prevent compression.
    3. Converted the Tortoise to SubD and set Render Subdivision to 2
    4. Converted the Surfaces to Iray Uber shader, substituted Base Color maps with my resized ones, deleted the Displacement maps, increased Glossy roughness, changed Glossy Color to light gray.

    tortoise improvement comparison.jpg
    2000 x 750 - 726K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Hey, Thank you for your effort, I have done everything up to using the Shader, I do not have experience in this and how to set it. I am anxious to try this out. Thank you so much

  • Is there a link to purchase the Iray uber shader?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869
    edited July 2016

    No, it comes free with Daz Studio. I think it is in the Default Resources. When I get back to my rendering computer, I'll track down the exact installation location.

    Edit: It is installed by Default Resources for Daz Studio 4.9+.

    In the Content Library, you will find it in the Products section under the letter D, and the product is Default Resources. The shader file is !Iray Uber Base.duf.

    You can also find it by Category instead of by Product. It is in Categories>Default>Shaders>Iray>Uber. And again, the file name is !Iray Uber Base.duf.


    Post edited by barbult on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869
    edited July 2016

    Were you able to find it? (see above)

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Hey there,

    Strange how it is not pulling up, i inclosed a screen shot. I did however find this located in the next screen shot. Is this what I am looking for?

    7-18-2016 2-51-24 PM.jpg
    754 x 987 - 80K
    7-18-2016 2-53-47 PM.jpg
    851 x 993 - 138K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869

    No, those are 3delight shaders, not Iray shaders. They are part of the UberSurface 2 product that you must have purchased (I think). If you are going to render only in Iray, you should return it for a refund; it won't help.

    Did you install Default Resources for Daz Studio 4.9+? That is the name of the package in the DIM (DAZ Install Manager). In Daz Connect, I think it is just called Default Resources.

    Did you try looking in the Products section of the Content Library for Default Resources? Is it there?

  • Wow , thank you for that. I located the default resources, however the server is giving me issues, ill keep trying and update . Thank you so much

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869

    You are welcome. Keep me posted on your progress. I'm interested.

  • I was able to connect and download uber, I appreciate your help in this. I was able to complete the final image thanks to you. The only issue I am having is the light leak flurries in the second image. I used quality of 3 in render. I am able to clean it up in photoshop in post with a 6% blur, but it is a pain . In your experience , is this a light or render issue? I do render my stuff at over 6k. Thanks again

    600 x 600 - 342K
    1038 x 828 - 90K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,869

    Wow, he's looking really nice in the shot of him on the street! You did a good job.

    Do you think anyone would even notice those little white dots on a 6K render? I had to look hard at the closeup to even see what you meant. You may be obsessing here. laughBut I understand your desire to strive for the best you can do.

    My guess is that the white specs are a render issue. How long did you let it render? Maybe the default time and convergence percentage is not enough for this image. Quality 3 is probably overkill for an image without reflection and refraction. I'd suggest opening the Render Settings pane Editor tab and look at the settings in Progressive Rendering. Try increasing the Max Samples and Max Time (sec) and Rendering Converged Ratio. Make the samples and time huge, so they are not the limiter that stop rendering. Set Rendering Converged Ratio to 99 or even 99.9 and Rendering Quality to 1. Make sure the in the Filtering section you have Firefly Filter Enable set to On. I leave Noise Filter Enable Off, because it seems to be undocumented and when I use it, I get errors in the log file. I've never received a satisfactory answer from customer service about these errors or how to use the Noise Filter, so I don't.

    Let me know if those changes resolve the issue or whether we need to look for something else to tweak.


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