Firgures are adding to scene

I'm trying to add figures to the scene from the figure folder, but I'm getting a prompt to save changes as if it's opening a previously save file.
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I'm trying to add figures to the scene from the figure folder, but I'm getting a prompt to save changes as if it's opening a previously save file.
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Perhaps you need to right click on the figure and select merge.
Thanks for the tip. But I didn't have to do that before I loaded the most up to date Daz 4.5, and truthfully I feel that I shouldn't have to do it now.
You should be prompted only if the item you are loading is tagged as a scene - and is recent. If you want to save an assembled figure for use in other scenes use File>Save as>Scene subset and the double-click behaviour will default to Merge as you wish. You could make a feature request to have the load/merge option user-configurable, though.
Ds4.5 will ask if you wish to add a new figure or replace a figure when you load more than one of the same figure. Simple way to stop that is to NOT have a figure selected in the Scene when you load the new figure.
I am getting propts to save changes as i try to load daz items from figures folder. Here's an examples. I was trying to load Park Head Preload here.
As you can see, the icons you're loading from are labeled "Scene" -- by default when you load a Scene it assumes you want to replace the current scene. Instead, right-click on the icon and choose Merge.
So basically this one's a metadata error that really should have been caught by QA?
No, this is a separate issue - it' opening a scene instead of the current scene, not asking about replacing a figure or loading a new one. It's a change now that DS has both scenes (default open) and scene subsets (default merge). That said, it is possible to fix it via the metadata by changing its type.