Genesis 1/2/3/8/9 to Genesis 3/8/9 Pose Converter (Updated 2023-04-28)



  • bilyatboringbilyatboring Posts: 2
    edited June 26

    Thanks for this script.

    Post edited by bilyatboring on
  • Luv LeeLuv Lee Posts: 230

    n_alexandru said:

    Genesis 1/2/3/8/9 pose preset conversion scripts for Genesis 3/8/9.

        1. Copy the contents of the Content directory to your content library
        2. Go to the script in the Content Library (Scripts > n_alexandru > G9 Pose Converter), right click and select Create Custom Action and click OK.
        - repeat for the G3 and G8 scripts

        1. Select a Genesis 3/8/9 figure in your scene
        2. Select a pose preset from the Smart Content or Content Library pane
        3. Run the script from Scripts > G9/G8/G3 Pose Converter (the custom action added in step 2 of the installation)
            - If the source figure generation can’t be detected automatically, a dialog will appear asking you to select it

    Options: (hold down the key when running the script)
        - Alt (Option on macOS) will force the figure select dialog to appear
        - Ctrl (Command on macOS) will zero the G9 pose first.

    Known Issues & Limitations:
        - Poses will require a little adjustment after conversion.
        - The face rig with the exception of the eyes is not converted.
        - This scripts supports only .DUF files, because of this some Genesis 1 poses that come as .DSB files are not supported.

    Update 2022-12-04:
        - Fixed incorrect right toes mapping for G9
        - Added G8 and G3 scripts
        - Added pose control properties (fingers, toes, foot, hand)

    Update 2022-12-07:
        - Fixed animation time step

    Update 2023-02-21:
        - Fixed hierarchical pose loading
        - Restore instead of zero figure pose when holding Ctrl/Command (this is needed due to changed in the Daz 4.21.1 public beta)
        - Fixed crash if the "Smart Content Pane" or "Content Library Pane" plugins are disabled




    YOU RAWK beyond all good reason! THANKYOU!

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